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Middleman Service

MIDDLEMAN is a third person who can be trusted to help make online transactions

Every time you buy, sell or exchange an item online it will be safer if you use middleman.

Here we also provide middleman services in order to avoid fraud so that transactions can run safely without anyone being havoid

To use our middleman service

The thing to do is buyers or sellers can contact us via WhatsApp and the available line and create a group there to make transactions.

Here's how the middleman works in the group for selling/buying lordsmobile accounts 

Rules use middleman lin lien

Step 1➡️ The seller sends the data to the MM (middleman) via private message

Step 2➡️ before the buyer sends the money to the seller, MM must check and secure the account first,

Step 3➡️ The buyer sends money to the seller according to the agreed price,

Step 4➡️ MM provides account details to the buyer,

Step 5➡️ The buyer sends a fee of 8% - 10% of the total transaction to MM, completed


Transaction cancellation will still be subject to a 5% middleman fee

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